Sample Concentrators

MultiVap 10
The MultiVap 54 is the latest multi-channel and multifunctional parallel instrument designed by LabTech, including all accessories and functions to ensure the highest standard of effi ciency, speed, reliability, throughput and safety of any concentration process. Nitrogen sweeping, needle level adjustment and visible concentration process are only few of the advantages offered by the MultiVap 54.

MultiVap 54
The new LabTech MultiVap 10 automatic parallel system increases the capacity by 25% in comparison to the MultiVap 8 boosting the lab throughput. The price/performance ratio has further increased. With this system it is possible to evaporate to solid state or concentrate into a fixed end-point volume. A compact solution compared to conventional rotary evaporators, with the possibility to be used outside the fume hood thanks to the integrated vapor evacuation system.